Asked to ‘write a commentary’ on a poem, students write:’…one thing where I felt that it is wrong is that he did not divide the last line properly, the last line’s word is going in the next paragraph.’
‘The name given to the poem is very good’
‘The poem does not start with a boy sleeping but we can imagine this because the situation will be like that only.’
‘I don’t understand why does he just start to talk about his own self instead of ending it in a good way. I just did not like the ending because it was confusing but the rest of the poem from the starting was wrote in a decent manner… it was rhyming also when it was needed except the last part’
‘The short sentences create a great mood of reading the extract, as their is less to read and more to understand.’
‘The tone of the narrator is in a very appreciable fashion.’
‘[The poet] has a great critical thinking power.’
We asked for comments. Is it time to frame our question differently?
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