I have no pictures yet, but I can’t resist sharing yet another performance story.
First of all, we were ‘late’. Apparently we were expected there by 7:30. Except that we were told we would begin at 8. Being the children of the society (well, we were children when we performed 13 years ago!), we were scolded as soon as we reached.
And then, there was no music system.
Everybody apologised to everybody else.
We were told to sing while everyone waited for a music system.
“Sorry,” we said, uncomfortably, “we don’t sing.”
Finally, my mother brought a music system from home.
But the plug points around the makeshift stage did not work.
My father gave us his laptop.
We could hear nothing.
We set up the music system at some point far away. And then we imagined the music and danced.
My father said that coordination was a little lacking this time.
Perhaps we could blame that on the fact that we could not hear the music well at the best of times, and at the worst of times we could not hear it at all.
Yet, our audience loved it so much that they asked us to perform again on Friday. And so we shall!
You poor things.
😀 Oh, and I forgot to mention. When we finished our performance, we were all ready to leave, but there was one lady who wanted a picture for the ‘City Plus’ newspaper. We willingly posed, but by the time the photo was done, it started pouring! We waited and waited and waited, but the rain did not stop. So, in full costume, we picked up our things and ran home barefoot!