Yes, it’s been a long time since I wrote about books, so there are three books that I’ve read in the time that has passed.
I remember when I started reading Dick Francis. I was amazed that a single writer could have written so many books about horses and the racing world.
Longshot is one of those, but I realise, once again, how much a book strikes a chord within you when you read it at a time that’s right.
The narrator of Longshot is a writer. A writer who has just quit a regular job to become a full-time writer. He suffers, nearly starves.
Is that a message to me from the universe?
The book was gripping, with the stoicism that’s typical to Dick Francis. Even though parts of it made me squirm because they hit home, I enjoyed Longshot, as I always expect to when I read a book by Dick Francis.
Two more books I’ve read and intend to write about soon…
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