I don’t like horror movies. Or even thrillers, or anything remotely frightening.
I don’t find them funny, the way most people seem to. They don’t make me laugh and say, “How lame! That’s not scary at all!”
I get scared. It’s as simple as that.
I remember a time we got together to watch Hide and Seek. We were spending the night at a friend’s place, and, as is meet, we started watching the movie at night.
I was determined not to be afraid.
I kept telling myself, “This is just a movie.”
I drew my eyes off the screen over and over again. “It’s just a movie. It’s not real.”
I thought about happy things. “They’re just actors. Why should I be afraid?”
And then, a friend of mine screamed and clutched my bare leg with ice-cold hands.
That did it.
I don’t watch scary movies any more, even if people try very hard to convince me that it’s only pseudo-scary.
I remember this. It was the only scary movie I watched after promising myself that I would never watch another scary movie. What we do for friends.
I played Snake and made stupid jokes to distract myself, until C threatened to push me off the bed if I made another comment.. and I did, so she did. She really pushed me off the bed. 🙁
I watched it just for the friends we were with too!
I remember sitting in the hall with you in the middle of the movie and discussing whether or not to finish watching it!