How well can you imitate bird calls? I used to (and sometimes still do!) imitate cuckoos, parakeets, bulbuls, and lapwings. But would you mistake me for a bird? Probably not.

However, on Henry Island, the Secret Songsters must accurately imitate birds so that tourists don’t complain that the island is now devoid of birdsong. Unfortunately, Ritu can never get it right. The other songsters make fun of her, but worst of all, one day, she gets mistaken for an ostrich!
Ritu needs to show the curious tourist an ostrich … or confess that she was the ostrich, reveal the identity of the Secret Songsters, and be responsible for the end of tourism on Henry Island.
Or perhaps she can find a third solution altogether, one that could lead to the best possible results.
Ostrich Girl is a slim chapter book that touches upon a range of big themes, including the environment and the ethics of the tourism industry. More, though, it’s about a child who sees something wrong and wants to set it right. This brand-new hOle book is a lovely addition to a set of books that I find myself recommending to children everywhere!
Title | Ostrich Girl |
Author | Lesley D. Biswas |
Tags | Chapter Book, hOle book, Environment |
Rating (out of 5) | 4 |
Ages | 7+ |
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