Nothing is the same without our teacher, but we did what we could anyway.
The good news:
We carried off Pinnal Kolattam well – no mistakes, thank God for that!
Even with our teacher not there, no one’s hair fell, nothing terribly embarrassing happened, thank God for that too!
Changes were hurried, but were carried out as well as we could, each girl as independent as she could be.
The strange news is that the interval was far longer than we planned, for the most bizarre reason ever – no one was able to draw open the curtain! What got us stressed was the fact that we were sure the audience thought we were taking ages to change, but that was not true! The button to operate the curtains didn’t work, and we couldn’t draw them open manually! For twenty minutes, people ran up and down, trying to figure out what to do, even calling up the person who installed the curtains. Finally, the curtains gave in to our efforts and slowly started parting, millimetre by millimetre, while we stood in the wings and prayed.
All in all, things were good. The next time we do a folk dance programme, though, we need a lot more dancers for greater efficiency.
A larger budget would not hurt either.
Varsha and Nisha, you managed the entire event so well, from training the girls to coordinating practices and costumes/accessories, besides of course dancing too ! Tremendous job 🙂
🙂 It was everyone’s work! I’m so glad everyone was so enthusiastic and so keen on performing despite crazy schedules. Dancing together is a joy that cannot be compared to any other – with practices bringing us closer together despite how different everyone’s life is!