So many tiny things happen during workshops! Here’s a quick roundup of things that make me smile. Whispering During one of my sessions, a child raised his hand. I quickly […]
Rattu & Poorie’s Adventures in History: 1857
A book about a pair of sisters, where the protagonist is the younger sister … of course I was intrigued! Additionally, historical fiction has attracted me for a while, and […]
Reading, Reading, and Reading Some More
Yesterday, we came to the end of yet another batch of my reading programme for ages nine and ten. I wrote about our ‘raise hand‘ anecdote, and thinking about that […]
Rise of the Earth Dragon (Dragon Masters #1)
I love introducing children to book series. It’s heartwarming to see children come back to a subsequent edition of my reading programme bursting with excitement because they’re reading the next […]
Cricket for the Crocodile
I launched my online reading programme for ages seven and eight in December last year, which means that this is the sixth edition of the programme. Each time, I’ve focused […]
The Vampire Boy
The Vampire Boy by Sharanya Deepak is another delightful hOle book – quirky and unique. The government has decided that all children – including young vampires – must go to school. […]
Online Reading Programme (Ages 7 and 8) – Weekday Batch October 21
REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED FOR THIS READING PROGRAMME! But they’re open for the December edition. Scroll down to learn more!
At this programme, we have twelve online interactions, during which we read excerpts from four books. We also do activities based on reading, creative writing, and linking books to life skills. Do note that there are only nine seats per batch!
This time, we will read The Vampire Boy, Cricket for the Crocodile, Rise of the Earth Dragon (Dragon Masters #1) and Rattu & Poorie’s Adventures in History – 1857.
Online Reading Programme (Ages 7 and 8) – Weekend Batch October 21
REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED FOR THIS READING PROGRAMME! But they’re open for the December edition. Scroll down to learn more!
The weekend batch of my online reading programme for ages seven and eight continues! At this programme, we have eight online interactions, during which we read excerpts from four books. We also do activities based on reading, creative writing, and linking books to life skills. Do note that there are only nine seats per batch!
This time, we will read The Vampire Boy, Cricket for the Crocodile, Rise of the Earth Dragon (Dragon Masters #1) and Rattu & Poorie’s Adventures in History – 1857.
Raise Hand
Children will be mischievous. They will always, always try to find ways to fool their teachers. The most common excuse during virtual sessions? “I lost connection.” Much as children like […]
Book Club Discussions
We just finished reading Sandy to the Rescue, the first of five books we’ll be reading at this edition of my book club. One of the joys of reading the […]
The Hodgeheg
I love Dick King-Smith‘s work. There was a time when I read nothing except his books. I devoured story after story, the way children do when they get hooked on […]
My June Reading Programmes – An Overview
“Ooh! I see something suspicious!” one child cried out, holding up her copy of The Monster Hunters. “Look! A monster at the window! Page 2!” “On page 33 of Bookasura, Bakasura […]
Karma Meets a Zombie
Karma Meets a Zombie is probably the most ambitious book I’ve chosen for my reading programme for ages nine and ten. I read Karma Fights a Monster some time ago and I […]
The Absolutely True Adventures of Daydreamer Dev
Daydreaming! Sigh. You can be what you want to be. You can do what you want to do. And Dev is the ace daydreamer. In The Absolutely True Adventures of Daydreamer […]
Another Reading Programme Comes to an End!
“Moin and the Monster was my favourite book because there’s a sequel!” said one child, holding up Moin and the Monster Songster. “Mine was The Very Glum Life of Tootoolu Toop,” said another. […]
Sandy to the Rescue
Another reading programme, another delightful hOle book! I remember reading a YA book by Rupa Gulab, Daddy Come Lately, and I enjoyed it. How would a chapter book be?The answer? Lovely. […]
Online Reading Programme (Ages 9 and 10) August 21
My regular reading programme for ages nine and ten goes on! This programme combines the concept of a book club with an introduction to creative writing. During the 12 online interactions, we read excerpts from three books and do activities of all kinds. Every two weeks, one class is devoted to creative writing.
This time’s books are – Karma Meets a Zombie, The Hodgeheg, and When the World Went Dark.
Online Reading Programme (Ages 7 and 8) – Weekday Batch August 21
My regular reading programme for ages seven and eight goes on! During this programme, we have 12 online interactions, during which we read excerpts from five books. We also do activities around reading, creative writing, and life skills.
This time, we will read five books – Sandy to the Rescue, The Chocolate Touch, and a three-in-one collection, The Absolutely True Adventures of Daydreamer Dev.
Online Reading Programme (Ages 7 and 8) – Weekend Batch August 21
The special weekend batch of my online reading programme for ages seven and eight is back! In this programme, we have eight online interactions, during which we read excerpts from five books. We also do activities based on reading, creative writing, and linking books to life skills.
This time, we will read five books – Sandy to the Rescue, The Chocolate Touch, and a three-in-one collection, The Absolutely True Adventures of Daydreamer Dev.
At Least a Fish
I love Anushka Ravishankar’s books. Whether it’s Moin and the Monster or Captain Coconut or At Least a Fish, I find myself chuckling as I read, shaking my head at her wacky […]