Who doesn’t loveĀ Esio Trot? Teg reggib, esio trot, teg reggib! There was a time when I knew the book so well that I could say the whole chant that Mr […]
Looking Back at Another Reading Programme
I love sharing stories with children, and this time’s batch of seven and eight-year-olds was even more fun than most. With each workshop I conduct, I treasure the stories we […]
Fantastic Mr Fox
Fantastic Mr Fox is a classic. And the combination of Roald Dahl and Sir Quentin Blake is magic. I’ve never yet chosen a Roald Dahl for my reading programme because […]
Online Reading Programme (Ages 7 to 8) – Weekend Batch May 2021
This is a special weekend batch of my online reading programme for ages 7 and 8. The four books we will read are The Monster Hunters, Bookasura, Esio Trot and At Least a Fish (Zain & Ana Book 1).
The Monster Hunters
Another reading programme, another hOle book! The first book for the June 2021 edition of my online reading programme for ages seven and eight is The Monster Hunters by Parinita Shetty. […]
Online Reading Programme (Ages 9 to 10) – June 2021
This 6-week online reading programme is for ages 9 and 10. Together, we will read Moin and the Monster, Fantastic Mr Fox and The Very Glum Life of Tootoolu Toop. As we read, we will also explore several elements of creative writing, including plot, structure and technique.
Online Reading Programme (Ages 7 to 8) – June 2021
This 6-week online reading programme is for ages 7 and 8. The four books we will read are The Monster Hunters, Bookasura, Esio Trot and At Least a Fish (Zain & Ana Book 1).
Workshops Launching in May and June 2021
I’ve received an overwhelming number of queries this time around, and I’m not surprised. Summer holidays! Registrations are now open for two reading programmes beginning on the 1st of June. […]
Workshops During a Pandemic
Last week, I started reading Maya in a Mess with my book club for seven and eight-year-olds. As part of the discussion, I asked them, “Have you ever been a […]
Book Uncle and Me
I discovered verse novels quite recently. I began by reading a few for young adults and then I slowly went down the age ladder. I love them. I love how […]
Wisha Wozzariter
Wisha Wozzariter. Say it aloud. Wisha Wozzariter was what pushed me to launch this reading programme! Several parents have called to ask if my online creative writing programme is suited […]
The Absent Author
The Absent Author. The Bald Bandit. The Haunted Hotel. The Zombie Zone. Isn’t this the kind of series you could see any child longing to collect? Book series are special […]
Playing with Kangaroo Words
When I wrote about using Friends Behind Walls for my online reading programme, the first thing I thought of doing was playing with words. Putti loves breaking words up to […]
Flying with Grandpa
I read Flying with Grandpa some time ago and enjoyed it. I wanted to read it with children, but had not yet figured out how. The book is slightly difficult for […]
The Mystery of the Secret Hair Oil Formula
The first edition of my online reading programme for ages 9 and 10 is here! For a while, I’ve had queries from parents about children who love reading but don’t […]
Maya in a Mess
It seems to have become something of a tradition to begin each batch of my online reading programme with a hOle book. For the third edition of my programme, it’s […]
Past the Halfway Mark
Four books in six weeks – that’s what my current online reading programme involves. And just like that, four weeks have gone by. If I make participants reflect on their […]
Online Reading Programme (Ages 9 to 10) – April 2021
This 6-week online reading programme is for ages 9 and 10. The three books we will read are The Mystery of the Secret Hair Oil Formula, Flying with Grandpa and Wisha Wozzariter. The focus of the programme is to read, share ideas and opinions, and explore a little creative writing.
Online Reading Programme (Ages 7 to 8) – April 2021
This 6-week online reading programme is for ages 7-8. The four books we will read are Maya in a Mess, Spellbound, The Absent Author (A to Z Mysteries Book 1) and Book Uncle and Me.
Online Reading Programme (Ages 7 to 8) – February 2021
What does a reading programme involve?
Essentially, reading.
As there are four books spread across 12 sessions, we take roughly three sessions per book. Naturally, this means that we do not read the entire book together. We read excerpts from the books together during each session, and then the children read in their own time before the following class. During each online interaction, we do not just read; we also imagine, create, play and talk. We do activities around the books and try to think about what will happen next. We review books, discussing which ones we like more and why.