The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling is an old book, unlike most of the others I select for my book clubs. Its copyright dates back to 1952! And that’s not the only thing that makes it different from the books I usually choose. Another important distinction is that it has a clear moral, something I usually avoid.
But the story is such fun! Plus, it’s about chocolate, so it’s already a win, isn’t it?
John Midas loves chocolate. He can eat it all the time. Or so he thinks. It is only when everything that touches his lips turns to chocolate that he begins to realise that there might just be a limit to the amount of chocolate he can eat.
At first, no one believes him. How could they? He has to be lying. How can everything he puts in his mouth turn to chocolate? That’s absurd!
Eventually, however, everyone realises he is telling the truth. Even the doctor has no choice but to believe him. The question is, of course, what can he do about it except to look at him as an exciting specimen?
With all the Midas touch references, The Chocolate Touch is both unique and familiar. It’s perfectly paced and an utter delight. Here’s what we’ll do as we read the book at my reading programme.
Colouring Coins
John acquires the chocolate touch when he discovers an odd looking coin. What odd coins can we find?
I love combining non-reading activities with reading ones. I remember how much fun it used to be to put a piece of paper on top of a coin and shade with pencil. I would love for the children to find some unique coins – old ones or new – and see how they look on paper!
We’re rereading this one at my book club, and I can’t help but remember how a child told me he was going to use an antique coin from 1992!
What else?
Toothpaste. A trumpet. Cutlery. A pencil. What else do you put in your mouth?
Make a list and then, for each one, imagine a different sort of magic. I chewed my nails and they turned to plastic! I put my handkerchief in my mouth and it turned to dust! What else?
Invent your own!
Invent your own chocolate! Give it a name, design a wrapper and tell us what makes it unique. What would you put in it?
Look at this wonderful email exchange that took place the first time I did this activity!
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