We’re going to read my hOle book, The Clockwala’s Clues at my book club in April 2025! I’ve done many author events based on the book, but they’ve all been in-person sessions. Looking forward to my first online session with the book.
Jasmine and Sheba love puzzles. Do you? Can you solve a set of puzzles about clocks and time?
If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
How fast can you say that? Have fun with Clockwala Uncle’s tongue twisters, trying to say each tongue twister faster and faster every time you try!
There are so many idioms about time! Let’s race against time and try to beat the clock as we do a quiz on idioms related to watches, clocks and the time.
The Clockwala’s Clues is part of a lovely series of books–the hOle books. Each edition of my book club begins with a book from the series. This one was shortlisted for the Neev Book Award in 2021, and I’m waiting to read it with my book club!
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