Dhara's Revolution
“I wish for you a best friend as special as Carol. Equally, I wish that each of you can be like Carol for someone in your life”
That’s from the acknowledgments page of Dhara’s Revolution, a book that’s hot off the press and will be released at the end of this month. Carol and Dhara have a very special kind of friendship. They make charts together, even if they’re competing. They learn each other’s speeches.
Until one day, the don’t.
A book about friendship and rivalry, I loved writing about Carol and Dhara and what makes them the friends they are.
The Best Idea of All
Although The Best Idea of All is perhaps more about sisters than about friends, writing about Saira, Antara and Tarini was a lovely experience. Saira is the clever one, the one who knows what to do when things go wrong, the one whom Antara and Tarini turn to.
What do friends do when everything threatens to fall apart? They pick up the pieces and help you make something better. And that’s exactly what Saira does!
I loved writing about her, and about the special friendship she has with a pair of squabbling sisters.
The Clockwala's Clues
One of my favourite scenes in The Clockwala’s Clues is probably when Jasmine and Sheba do a slow, robot-like walk together, well aware that they’re being silly, and enjoying how silly and giggly they are.
Jasmine and Sheba were such fun to write! They’re the perfect team. They work together and help each other out. In fact, they’re a package deal.
If Jasmine wants to set up an adoption camp, why, of course Sheba has to be part of it! And if Sheba must attend a summer workshop, either Jasmine must find a way to get her out of the workshop, or she must join her and the two best friends will suffer together. After all, that’s what friends do, right?
Sisters at New Dawn
‘Who is your favourite character in the book?’
This is one of the most common questions I get asked when I do author events about Sisters at New Dawn. The first few times I was asked, somehow, I was not quite prepared for the question, but now, whenever anyone asks, I have my clear response: Aquila.
Aquila is a true friend. Kannagi meets her in the very first chapter, and before Kannagi knows it, she has a friend. The section I enjoyed writing most was chapter 29, aptly titled “Friends”. Aquila knows that something is wrong, something that Kannagi is afraid to talk about. She is sensitive and brave, coaxing her friend to talk to her and, ultimately, helping create the best possible solution. I love her!
The Prophecy of Rasphora
The Prophecy of Rasphora is about friendship that is so close that it is sisterhood. Tara’s faith in Afreen; Vandana, always looking after Afreen and Tara; Afreen, striking a balance between fiery Tara and cautious Vandana as best she can.
I loved writing this friendship because for me, it rings true. After a brief quarrel, Tara hates Vandana, detests her, despises her. But when her strong, brave Vandana cries, Tara’s heart breaks. These three girls live together, quarrel, make up, but more than anything else, they love and treasure one another, as only true friends can. They’re special!
What are your favourite fictional friendships? What makes them special?
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